Applying to Calvary
The online application procedures for admission to Calvary Academy are below. Click here to APPLY online
Age Requirements:
- Students entering Pre-K must have their 3rd or 4th birthday by Oct. 1st and must be potty trained.
- Students entering Kindergarten must have their 5th birthday by Oct. 1st.
- Students entering 1st Grade must have their 6th birthday by Oct. 1st.
Step One:
- Apply online by clicking link "Click here to apply online" at top or bottom of this page
- Send a copy of recent scores on any standardized test
- Send copies of most recent and prior year report cards for each applicant
- If applicable: send a copy of most recent I.E.P./ I.S.P.
- Send a copy of the original birth certificate for each applicant
- $75 application fee paid online when applying, which includes testing if necessary, per applicant (non-refundable)
- Click below for applicable physical exam and print (physical needs to be current within one year of entry to school.) Have your family physician complete applicable sections. Completed physical forms and Immunization Records are required for entrance to school:
- All non-athletes: Physical Exam Universal Health Record
- Athletes 5th - 12th grade use this form (even if there is only a possibility of participating in sports): Athletic Physical Exam Form
Step Two:
Click on applicable forms to submit to current teachers (One form per student)
- Kindergarten Teacher Recommendation Form
- Elementary Teacher Recommendation Form (1st - 5th)
- Upper School Teacher Recommendation Form (6th - 12th)
- Math Reference Form (5th-12th)
Step Three:
- When items in Step One and Step Two have been completed and received, a testing date will be scheduled for your child if necessary (K-12).
- A family interview will be scheduled with an administrator. The interview may be waived if the family has a current student enrolled at CA, or if the meeting with Admissions suffices.
Acceptance of Enrollment:
The school will notify you in writing upon the decision of the admissions committee. An enrollment packet with additional required forms will be sent with your acceptance letter. The non-refundable fees of $225.00 registration fee plus the $200 yearly student fee will be required within 10 days of acceptance in order to secure the spot and must be accompanied by all the required forms included in the enrollment packet (for Pre-K this is just a total of $100.)
Students enrolling for classes that are already full will be placed on a waiting list.
Click here for 2025/26 Tuition Schedule
Click here for 2024/25 Tuition Schedule