Documents & Forms
2025/26 Tuition, K - 12 & Pre-K
2024/25 Tuition, K - 12 & Pre-K
Athletic & Medical Forms 
Athletic Physical Form & Cardiac Sign-Off *
Administering Meds Authorization & Asthma Treatment Plan
Universal Physical Form, Non-Athlete
Athletic Participation Agreement
Athletic Health History Update
Homeschool Athlete Required Forms Packet (the Athletic Physical Form is only required every 12 months)
Epi Pen Administration/Allergic Reaction Emergency Care Plan
- * The incidence of sudden cardiac death (SCD) among student athletes, often due to undetected heart conditions, has caused great concern throughout NJ. In response to this serious problem and in an effort to increase awareness and emphasize prevention of possible sudden death of young athletes, the Legislature passed and the Governor signed P.L. 2009, Chapter 260.
- The law established the New Jersey Student Athlete Cardiac Screening Task Force.
- The Task Force has completed the portion of its mandate to develop an informational brochure about sudden cardiac death for distribution to all districts in the state. Attached to this Physical Form is this brochure and sign-off for reviewing it.
Required Reading & SUPPLIES
4th - 12th Grade 24/25 Required Reading, includes Summer
7th Grade 24/25 Summer Reading Project
9th Grade 24/25 Summer Reading Requirements
11th Grade 24/25 Summer Reading Requirements
12th Grade 24/25 Summer Reading Requirements
All below Supply lists also available at:
Kindergarten 24/25 Supplies List
6th-12th 24/25 Grade Supplies List (please note, when school starts, some teachers may have some class specific requirements)
Employment Forms