Sign-up to Volunteer with PTF

Parent Teacher Fellowship, (PTF), is a link between the parent and the school, and together they form partnerships that enhance the school experience for both students and teachers. Along with this partnership, the Christian education configuration must align within our PTF model. The PTF must always seek to follow Biblical guidelines that ensure linkage along these lines.

The PTF should strive to encourage and provide a positive contribution within the school community. The PTF does not exist to dishonor or bring refute to any school member. Conversely, the PTF was created as a vital part of the Calvary Academy team that stimulates a healthy school partnership. Through positive encouragement, volunteerism, and fundraising, help is provided to CA that otherwise might not be able to subsidize enrichment programs and activities. The experience also offers opportunities for parents to get to know each other through the work they do together, as a community. This working partnership creates a flow of information between the school and home that benefits both sides by participating in the lives of our children outside the home.

With a student body representing more than 20 different nationalities, CA is truly a multicultural school. At Calvary Academy we honor the traditions of other cultures and encourage all families to get involved and to connect with the teachers and the administration. In fact, doors are wide open and the administration is available to answer any questions that might arise, and to encourage parents to actively seek out ways that they can be of help to the school or to their child’s education. By offering ways in which you can become involved at CA, and by offering programs that might be of interest to you and your children, we create opportunities for you to be a vital part of the PTF program.

Our programs include regularly held PTF meetings where information and ideas are freely shared. The meetings are used to develop strategies for establishing a cooperative effort of partnership between the school and parents. We are a diverse group and are following a model that takes into account our different approaches and Christian ethics. That is why the PTF exists.

By volunteering your time or expertise, no matter how small or large, you are actively participating in your child’s education. Just as importantly, you are giving the message to your child that the community voice matters. Bring your experience to the Parent Teacher Fellowship at Calvary Academy and help us to make our community a place of international cooperation. Our prayer is that CA and the PTF will strive to make the Parent Teacher Fellowship a role model for all schools. We need your ideas; we need your inspiration; we need you to make this possible.

We cannot make this community work the way we want it to without your participation. Please consider how you can contribute to the Parent Teacher Fellowship, your voice matters.

The general aim of the PTF is to glorify Christ, promote the welfare of the students through parental involvement in the school, and to strengthen coordination among parents, students, and staff in order to encourage and support educational activities and to further develop the educational resources of the school.


  1. To glorify Christ in everything that is done.
  2. To involve parents of all nationalities in support of the school and its educational activities.
  3. To engage in activities which support the school and advance the education and general welfare of the students in the school.
  4. To foster communication between parents, staff and students with the interest of promoting understanding and cooperation.
  5. To coordinate the action of parents in support of extracurricular activities of the school.
  6. To assist with fundraising and purchase of materials to enhance our school programs.
Sign-up to volunteer with PTF